The Brand New album by Broken Chanter
Songwriter David MacGregor's particular skill is in camouflaging rage, heartbreak, and despair as uplifting earworms. [Chorus Of Doubt] shows a band on top of their game...at its best it's agit-pop with heart 8/10 - UNCUT
Energis[ing]…Broken Chanter’s punchiest and slickest record yet
The Skinny
‘Chorus of Doubt’ takes his songs into new areas, all the while retaining his knack for marrying memorable hooks to lyrics which reflect the turbulent times that we live in Is This Music?
Songs to sing and hum, moods to relish and more...a platter that is plump with an abundance of alt-pop, post punk promise At The Barrier
You’ve Got To Stop Worrying All Time Top Tracks March 2024, MOJO
The Rain Doesn’t Only Fall On You Single Of The Week, BBC Radio Scotland
Record of Note The Roddy Hart Show, BBC Radio Scotland